Backlinks in SEO – Do They Matter in 2021?

August 21, 2021

Backlinks in SEO can definitely be a buzz word that leaves most with a lot of confusion and overwhelm. SEO trends can change quickly, but back links have remained a key part of an SEO strategy even with all of the algorithm changes. In today’s post – I’m breaking down everything you need to know […]


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Backlinks in SEO can definitely be a buzz word that leaves most with a lot of confusion and overwhelm. SEO trends can change quickly, but back links have remained a key part of an SEO strategy even with all of the algorithm changes.

In today’s post – I’m breaking down everything you need to know about backlinks:

  • What is a backlink?
  • Why do they matter?
  • Do they ACTUALLY help?
  • My 3 tips for securing high-quality backlinks

What is a backlink?

Backlinks take place across the internet when one website mentions another website and links to it. Essentially – any website that links to your site is referred to as a “backlink” and they are extremely valuable for SEO.

Why do I want a backlink?

Google takes into consideration how many OTHER website link back to yours. It signals to search engines (like Google) that your content is worth linking to. The main reason someone would link to your site is because your content is valuable and worth sharing to their audience.

This is crucial to create authority for you and drive that incredible search engine traffic that you’re looking for. Search engines review which sites are linking to you and taking into consideration the quality and authority of each site. Quality backlinks matter! You can check the domain authority of any website by using a domain authority checker like this one. (See what I did there? This is a backlink!)

Do they REALLY matter?

Yes and no. They are helpful for a strong domain authority if you can secure high quality backlinks. If you’re buying links or getting low quality links – it’s going to hurt more than it helps.

You may not even know that you have back links or that you may NOT be getting back links when you should be. Let’s talk about securing back links to benefit your site.

How to Get Backlinks To Your Site:

Search your name in Google and/or Bing and look through the sites that mention your name or business.

You may find places where you’re mentioned, but not linked. Adding links is often overlooked, so take the time to politely reach out to website owners or content creators. Disregard this step if you feel that the website is of lower quality and will hurt you, more than help you.

Start collaborating!

This is one of the most intentional and genuine ways to secure new backlinks. Start guest posting on other sites or blogs, make podcast appearances, partner with influencers, etc. Start sharing your knowledge or products with others. You’re mutually benefitting each other and that’s a great way to build a strong community around your brand as well.

Secure your Social Media Properties.

This is often overlooked as a way to create backlinks as a business typically focuses on maybe one or two social media platforms, but at minimum you need to have your name on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. You certainly don’t need to use all of these equally as it could be overwhelming, but create these accounts and share some content there.

Get on Directories!

Okay, so this seems like a dinosaur method, but there’s definitely some merit in getting your name on relevant directories. You want to focus on Niche and Geo-Targeted Directories. Niche directories will be the most relevant for your business and are a bit harder to find. If you have a yoga studio, you may want to look for fitness specific directories. As far as directories that are local to your business area, you can find these by searching for your city + directories or even make it more specific by adding your niche as a part of the search your city + fitness + directories.

How Do I Get Backlinks for My Clients?

If you’re an SEO manager or VA looking to secure backlinks for clients – let me give you one tip:

Do not promise you can secure a specific amount of backlinks in a given month.

The truth is, you can’t control how many backlinks your client receives. What you CAN control is the outreach and follow through. By outreach, I mean….

  • Creating VERY shareable content and asking their friends and colleagues in the industry to link to it (definitely ask permission before you reach out on their behalf!)
  • Help your client create a guest blogging schedule
  • Create a Wikipedia page for their brand
  • Google their name and brand name and see if there are any current mentions without appropriate links

I hope this was helpful! Backlinks in SEO are crucial to climbing the ranks of Google. I hope that some of these strategies help you to secure more of your own backlinks for your site.

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I'm Stefanie, your SEO savvy bf

I’m a digital marketing nerd with a passion for photography and travel. Infertility warrior. Mama to my rainbow babe Charlie Rome. I’m a stereotypical millennial: lover of coffee shops, podcasts, and Instagram. I genuinely love serving the creative community. They are my people!

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